植被化沟渠作为一种污染物修复技术,已被证实在净化水质方面具有显著效果。本研究针对美人蕉、再力花、香蒲和灯心草等水生植物在沟渠系统中对除草剂径流污染的削减潜力和机制进行了评估。研究发现,在模拟径流条件下,植被沟渠在去除阿特拉津和敌草隆方面显著优于无植被沟渠(p < 0.05)。美人蕉和香蒲在不同污染负荷下展现出最高的去除效率,分别达到43.02-72.61%和56.42-53.11%。植被沟渠中除草剂的半衰期由无植被沟渠的231.01-693.15小时显著缩短至99.02-230.05小时。此外,强降雨冲刷下植被沟渠中除草剂的释放率从无植被沟渠的48.95%显著降至34.10%(p < 0.05)。质量平衡分析证实生物降解是植被沟渠去除除草剂的主要途径(阿特拉津36.20%;敌草隆45.76%),其次为吸附作用(阿特拉津6.00%;敌草隆12.19%)。植物的存在显著促进了生物降解过程,敌草隆的降解效率提高了0.5倍,而阿特拉津的降解效率则提高了1倍。总之,植被沟渠在减少除草剂引起的径流污染方面具有重要作用,是城市水体管理和农业非点源污染控制有效的生态工程技术。
研究亮点 I Highlight
工作的创新性 I Novelty of work
导读 | Introduction
Pollutant removal effectiveness of vegetated ditches
植被沟渠与裸露沟渠相比,在低、高污染负荷条件下,两种除草剂的去除率均显著提高(p < 0.05),而植物种类之间没有显著差异(p > 0.05)(图1)。具体而言,低污染负荷条件下,无植被沟渠去除了18.36±1.98%阿特拉津和37.27±3.29%敌草隆;种植美人蕉沟渠去除两种除草剂效果最高,分别高达43.02±8.57%和72.61±5.02%,其他植被组去除分别低于40%和70%。高污染负荷条件下,相比裸露沟渠(阿特拉津去除率:27.03±4.10%、敌草隆去除率:48.94±4.44%),种植香蒲沟渠去除更多的阿特拉津(56.42%)和敌草隆(53.11%)。总体而言,植物沟渠均能有效地减少径流污染。
Vegetated ditches showed significantly higher removal rates of both herbicides compared to unvegetated ditches (p<0.05) across both low and high-doses, with no significant difference between plant species (p>0.05) (Figure 1). For low-dose treatments, unvegetated ditches removed 18.36±1.98% of atrazine and 37.27±3.29% of diuron. Among vegetated ditches, the C. indica group was most effective, removing 43.02±8.57% of atrazine and 72.61±5.02% of diuron, while other vegetated groups removed less than 40% of atrazine and 70% of diuron. For high-dose treatments, unvegetated ditches removed 27.03±4.10% of atrazine and 48.94±4.44% of diuron. T. latifolia ditches remove more herbicides (56.42% for atrazine, 53.11% for diuron) compared to other vegetated ditches. Overall, all four wetland plant ditches effectively reduce runoff pollution.
不同的小写字母分别表示高、低污染负荷组中有、无植被沟渠去除率的显著差异( p < 0.05)。
Decline process of herbicide concentrations and mass
图2显示了所有沟渠系统出水中除草剂的浓度随时间的变化。在第一阶段,阿特拉津和敌草隆的浓度最初在2小时因土壤快速吸附而降至最低点,然后逐渐增加并稳定。在低污染负荷组中,敌草隆浓度在2到5小时之间继续迅速下降。在第二阶段(5-48小时),低、高污染负荷组的阿特拉津质量分别下降10.37-38.41%和6.47-31.59%,而敌草隆质量分别下降19.18-39.59%和9.47-28.25%。有植被沟渠比无植被沟渠去除更多的敌草隆,表明植物在初始降雨后的长时间休息期间有助于除草剂的生物降解。在第三阶段(48-53小时),由于冲洗过程中的污染物释放和脱附,所有沟渠系统中的除草剂浓度急剧下降。低、高污染负荷条件下,阿特拉津的释放率分别可达41.16~59.45%和34.10~55.79%;敌草隆的释放率分别为23.73-39.80%和34.59-48.95%。在两种除草剂中,植被和非植被沟渠之间的释放率差异显著( p < 0.05),但不同植物物种之间没有差异。在第四阶段(53-168小时),在不同系统中,敌草隆的质量减少了0.57-18.97%,其中美人蕉组减少幅度从8.43%到17.38%,截留效果最好。
Figure 2 shows the herbicides concentrations in the effluent of all ditch systems over time. In stage I, atrazine and diuron concentrations initially dropped to their lowest at 2h due to rapid soil adsorption, then gradually increased and stabilized. However, in the low-dose group, diuron concentrations continued to decline rapidly between 2 and 5h. During stage II (5–48h), the atrazine mass decreased by 10.37–38.41% in low-dose and 6.47–31.59% in high-dose treatments. The diuron mass decrease by 19.18–39.59% in low-dose treatments and 9.47–28.25% in high-dose treatments. Vegetated ditches removed more diuron than unvegetated ones, showing that plant aid in herbicide biodegradation during the long rest period after initial rainfall. During stage III (48–53h), herbicide concentrations dropped sharply in all ditch systems due to pollutant release and desorption during flushing. Atrazine release ranged from 41.16 to 59.45% in low-dose and 34.10–55.79% in high-dose treatments. Diuron release was 23.73–39.80% in low-dose and 34.59–48.95% in high-dose treatment. Significant differences in release rates were observed between vegetated and unvegetated ditches for both herbicides (p<0.05), but not between different plant species. During stage IV (53–168h), diuron mass decreased by 0.57–18.97% in various systems, with C. indica showing the highest retention, reducing ranged from 8.43 to 17.38%.
Accumulation of herbicides by soil and plants
径流冲刷试验后测定沟渠土壤与植被中残留除草剂的浓度,结果如图3所示, 低、高污染负荷条件下土壤中吸附的阿特拉津浓度分别为2.75-5.57 µg/kg和17.3-839.20 µg/kg,土壤中吸附的敌草隆浓度分别为6.30-13.78 µg/kg和24.97-45.98 µg/kg。无植被沟渠土壤吸附能力更强,植物沟渠之间也有显著不同( p < 0.05)。不同植被均能积累这两种除草剂,积累规律表现为:高污染负荷条件积累更多,根部积累更多(3.93-25.88 µg/kg);但宽叶香蒲在高、低污染负荷条件下地上部分积累除草剂均高于根部<0.5)。
Residual herbicide concentrations in ditch soil were measured post-experiment, as shown in Figure 3. Atrazine adsorption ranged from 2.75 to 5.57μg/kg at low doses and 7.3–839.20μg/kg at high doses. Diuron concentrations were 6.30–13.78μg/kg at low dose and 24.97–45.98μg/kg at high doses. Unvegetated control systems had significantly different herbicide adsorption compared to vegetated ditch systems (p<0.05). C. indica and T. dealbata showed significantly different soil adsorption of atrazine and diuron compared to J. effuses (p<0.05). At high doses, atrazine concentrations in the aboveground parts of C. indica, T. dealbata, T. latifolia, and J. effuses were 9.33, 1.95, 25.44, and 17.83μg/kg, respectively. Underground concentrations were 27.84, 14.90, 5.21, and 31.27μg/kg, respectively. Atrazine levels were significantly higher in the roots than in the aboveground parts of C. indica, T. dealbata, and J. effuses (p<0.5), except for T. latifolia.
Pathways of herbicides in ditch systems
污染质量平衡分析表明,阿特拉津和敌草隆在沟渠中的去除途径相似(图4), 径流冲刷条件下植被沟渠中释放了34-46%的阿特拉津和23-40%的敌草隆,而无植被沟渠中分别释放了56-60%和40-49%,这也突显了植物在除草剂截留中的作用。生物降解是沟渠中除草剂的主要去除途径,阿特拉津和敌草隆的去除量贡献占比分别为14.93-48.49%和18.88-62.05%,其次是吸附作用,贡献率为2.75-18.39%,而植物吸收率最低,低于0.1%,植物沟渠提高了整体去除率,提升敌草隆和阿特拉津生物降解占比分别可达50%和100%。
Mass balance analysis showed similar removal pathways for atrazine and diuron in ditches (Figure 4). Runoff flush released 34–46% of atrazine and 23–40% of diuron in vegetated ditches, and 56–60% of atrazine and 40–49% of diuron in unvegetated ditches, highlighting the role of plants in herbicide interception. Biodegradation was the main removal pathway, accounting for herbicide removal (14.93–48.49% of atrazine and 18.88–62.05% of diuron. Sorption played a significant role in herbicide removal, contributing for 2.75–18.39%, while plant uptake was minimal at less than 0.1%. Despite low accumulation, plants indirectly boosted removal rates, enhancing diuron removal by about 50% and doubling atrazine removal through promoting biodegradation.
总结 | Conclusions
Herbicides were effectively captured in vegetated ditch systems during agricultural. T. latifolia was more effective at reducing high atrazine levels, while C. indica excelled at lower concentrations. Both plants out performed other macrophytes in diuron reduction at all doses. Diuron, with a higher sorption affinity compared to atrazine, was more readily adsorbed by the substrate. Atrazine tended to accumulate more in the aerial parts of T. latifolia, whereas it mainly localized in the roots of other macrophytes. Mass balance analyses showed that biodegradation and adsorption were the main methods for herbicide reduction in vegetated ditches. Although plants did not significantly accumulate pollutants, macrophytes helped degrade the herbicide. The rhizosphere effect significantly boosted micro-biodegradation, increasing diuron removal by 50% and atrazine by 100%. This highlights the importance of plant-rhizosphere interactions in improving phytoremediation of herbicide-contaminated agricultural runoff.
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